Sunday, June 29, 2008


im sorry, matt, I think I need another week, life has been a little crazy, and I'm sorry I havent called either. On a good note, you NEED to go see Wall.E.....btw, shaun tan did some development for it....its so awesome. You'll like it.

Monday, June 16, 2008

stoooooopid spoiled whore

Bwhaha. Ok, Here's my half hearted piece. This week, the last thing I wanted to do was to sit in front of my computer. I hope this weeks word makes me all warm and fuzzy! I think I should lay off the south park. Check this out to see where I got this idea from... good gravy.
South Park----

Sunday, June 8, 2008

new word.

Um, I'm having trouble thinking of one... so I'm using a phrase. It's a little more specific than I would like but I think it's funny and I always enjoy drawing this type of thing. Go for it. Maybe you can put a new twist on it.

Stoopid Spoiled Whore

have fun :)

communication -6/8

yea... I had a super busy week this week and I started this about 2 hours ago...and yea. It's ok. I figured I could throw in my schematic thing because um, it looks technical like communication. Anyhoo, I have this intern project thing for work, but I have to work on it at home because I'm too busy at work to work on it. UGH. Yea, I totally don't want to deal with it on my time. But oh well. I'll have to call you and fill you in. I saw my first towel design on an actual beach towel, super exciting!! Ok, enough personal stories. I like the peacock. He amuses me. And yes, he is wearing a monocle. I like the concept of your piece, I thought about doing a similar thing, but then I forgot. haha. You really nailed the guys gesture. way to go!

Friday, May 30, 2008

orange 5/30

This one didn't take long. I have no idea... haha. Actually I do have an idea.. I made something with things I like. Owls. This sweet bike from the 70's called a Lemon Peeler (by Schwinn) and a schematic. This would make a tight business card. :) Man, I want a bike like that!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

new word

ok, this week it's :


any way you want to interpret this, go for it.



I did this one as a nod to what I'm doing this weekend. Being completely in summer mode.... spending my 3 days at the pool, eating stuff, wearing bright clothes, and all that stuff. Totally having a bbq tonight. :) The taste part is of course, the ice cream. This is my absolute favorite thing to eat... a chocolate-vanilla swirl soft-serve ice cream cone. After I finished this piece I realized it's much like my 20's flapper chicks.... btw, she's not supposed to be me, but if I lost like 40 lbs and had longer hair....why not? Haha.

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Hmm... I think I want to revisit this using Illustrator. At this point in time, I'm pooped from work and sitting at the computer is the last thing I want to do... haha. I like doing these quick little pieces and not having to worry about pleasing someone else. Almost like : "this is mine and I don't care what you think" kinda thing... haha. It feels good... :P Of course I am always open for what you like and don't like...I'll just file it away for when I re-do it :) Btw, I posted mine early cause I felt like it. so there!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

word for the week of May 12th

You ready??? Drum roll, please.

word: Falling

size: proportionate to 5X7


Have fun, and we will post our finals next sunday the 18th!

Monday, May 5, 2008


For those who stumble upon this blog... it's purpose is for two artists, seperated by land mass, to still be artistic together. Each week one will propose a word...then next week an image (proportionate to 5 X 7) will be posted and stuff. At the end of it all (when school starts.. :P ) I'll make two little books of all our work. It'll be greeeeat. Btw, Matt, It'd be fun to show process work if possible. Or we could keep it a secret.