Saturday, May 17, 2008


Hmm... I think I want to revisit this using Illustrator. At this point in time, I'm pooped from work and sitting at the computer is the last thing I want to do... haha. I like doing these quick little pieces and not having to worry about pleasing someone else. Almost like : "this is mine and I don't care what you think" kinda thing... haha. It feels good... :P Of course I am always open for what you like and don't like...I'll just file it away for when I re-do it :) Btw, I posted mine early cause I felt like it. so there!

1 comment:

mattcrotts said...

mmm nice new approach for you. fun colors, very muted for you're usual sensibilities. reminds me overall of the sort of illustrations you'd see in the seventies. or at mellow mushroom. which is very much a good thing ;)

high five! i totally almost did a rain idea. but i didn't. couldn't stop thinking about what i should do this summer! ha this blog of course.

can't wait to talk with you tomorrow! i'll call at a decent time when i think you'll be off work and done chillaxing